First Post of 2018

First Post of 2018

The past several months have been unreal. Though I’ve made several attempts to stay current on my adventures via this blog, it just never seemed to work out.

I don’t quite think it’s ‘Writer’s Block’ so I’m just going to call it a ‘Writing Hiatus.” I haven’t yet mastered the art of staying current on my venture log, and when there’s a big gap in posts (like the past three months) my gut tells me I’ve just gotta get something out there and await the flow.

Long story short, I’ve spent the last three months traveling around Denver & surrounding areas moving location to location daily hopping from skate parks to dog parks to open spaces and unfortunately the occasional Walmart parking lot (though i am grateful for their hospitality).

About 3 days ago i began my travels north to attend a gathering with the InterNātional Initiative for Transformative Collaboration. En route just outside of Cheyenne, Wyoming my rear differential completely tanked and as of this moment, I am a resident of the side of a road in the State of Wyoming until further notice.

As you can imagine, I had not intended to have my rear diff go out and had no contingency plan in place. I have absolutely no clue how this situation will resolve itself, but maybe this a chance to get caught up on my writing so that’s probably what I’ll do.

Sending love!


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