
Free Spirit

Free Spirit

On several occasions I’ve been told that I am a “Free Spirit.” I guess we all have some understanding of what that phrase means but overall it’s not really something people say about everybody, it seems only to be applied to those of us dwelling somewhat on the fringe. The last time this was said 

20 After 20 After 4

20 After 20 After 4

I spent many years of my young adult life using Cannabis and would be “high” at some point most every day unless I was out of Cannabis, at which point I would be trying rather desperately to find Cannabis. My father was a “functioning alcoholic” and my mother, who raised me on her own, is to this day. I hate the term “alcoholic”

Drunken Dissonance

Drunken Dissonance

I am always grateful to catch up with close friends. Yesterday i spoke over the phone with one of the closer ones, a friend since the early years of grade school who recently returned from Kenya where we he has been teaching the movement arts to children in various orphanages around the country. I could tell in his voice during the start of the conversation that something was off and we very quick ...[Read More]

Fixing the Diff

Fixing the Diff

In “breaking down” on the side of the road, a friend who i was visiting took a look underneath the bus as I shifted through the gears. First, second, third, fourth … No response, it was as if the rig was in neutral. It was determined at this point that the rear differential had gone out, which launched a 10-day side-of-the-road conundrum as I tried to determine the best course of

First Post of 2018

First Post of 2018

The past several months have been unreal. Though I’ve made several attempts to stay current on my adventures via this blog, it just never seemed to work out. I don’t quite think it’s ‘Writer’s Block’ so I’m just going to call it a ‘Writing Hiatus.” I haven’t yet mastered the art of staying current on my venture log, and when there’s a big gap in posts (like the past three months) my gut tells me I ...[Read More]

Prayer is Prayer

Prayer is Prayer

Last winter was the first time I had not participated in a “Christmas” with my immediate family. Instead, I was dug into the snows of the Oceti Sakowin Camp in North Dakota, gathering wood and supplies in order to be ready for a blizzard forecast to begin in the wee hours of the morning. I was raised Christian by my mom and

Critical Mass vs. The Way the World Works

Critical Mass vs. The Way the World Works

Growing up (and to this day) I’ve been told things like, “Well that’s just the way the world works” or “that’s just how things are” etc. Maybe you have too? Now I do understand this industrial-era-ish line of thinking to some extent. I can see, through the eyes of a colonized mind, such thinking

a Quest

a Quest

Challenge what we’ve designed and built. Question our place. Refuse upon moral grounds as needed. See everything as connected.



One year ago today I used my only day-off at work before Christmas to load my converted Chevy Express 3500 camper van full of winter supplies and head to the Oceti Sakowin Camp as part of the “Standing Rok” movement. I departed from the Twin Cities