
Fixing the Diff

Fixing the Diff

In “breaking down” on the side of the road, a friend who i was visiting took a look underneath the bus as I shifted through the gears. First, second, third, fourth … No response, it was as if the rig was in neutral. It was determined at this point that the rear differential had gone out, which launched a 10-day side-of-the-road conundrum as I tried to determine the best course of

First Post of 2018

First Post of 2018

The past several months have been unreal. Though I’ve made several attempts to stay current on my adventures via this blog, it just never seemed to work out. I don’t quite think it’s ‘Writer’s Block’ so I’m just going to call it a ‘Writing Hiatus.” I haven’t yet mastered the art of staying current on my venture log, and when there’s a big gap in posts (like the past three months) my gut tells me I ...[Read More]